Flood barriers

29 February 2012

Glucksman Gallery Flood Barriers Installed

Flood Control International recently demonstrated the demountable flood barrier system and flood gate at the Glucksman Gallery in Cork, Ireland. 

The gallery flooded in 2009 and Flood Control International was contacted by the architects to work with them to design a flood defence that was in keeping with the architectural style of this iconic building. 

The system incorporates specially designed posts to fit in with the angled walls and a lift-hinged floodgate which operates over a level threshold for disabled access.

17 February 2012

Utility Sites protected from flooding

Flood Control International has recently protected a number of water and power company sites with a variety of flood barriers, floodgates and flood doors and for a number of customers. Solutions have included pivoting flood barriers for a water treatment site, combination floodgates to protect vehicle accesses up to 7m wide for substations, and flood doors to ensure permanent flood protection to building openings that also need to be kept secure.

Flood barriers for utility sites need to be totally dependable, as the sites are often unmanned yet are vital to a local area’s ability to function during and recover after flood events.

Our flood defences are now specified by the majority of power distribution companies and water companies across the UK, and abroad.

Demountable flood barrier at utility site

Swing-hinge flood gate at utility site
Demountable flood barriers at utility site
