Flood barriers

13 May 2013

Bespoke Flood Barrier at Green Quarter, Manchester

Green Quarter is major new €360 million development in Manchester comprising 1360 residential apartments.  Just after one of the apartment blocks was completed, the underground car park was badly flooded twice with rainwater run-off, causing damage and a delay in allowing residents to use their new car park.

Lend Lease Limited contacted Flood Control International to advise, design and install a flood control barrier that would automatically sense flooding and trigger the flood defence system.

Our senior design engineers surveyed the site and a sensor system linked to an automated drop-down flood barrier was designed.   A drop-down flood barrier was used to minimise the requirement for in-ground works.

The automatic sensor trigger was devised so that water run-off that flowed into the Aco channel drain positioned at road level would activate a water sensor that triggered operation of the flood barrier.  An optional push-button trigger was also incorporated.

The drop-down flood barrier also incorporates a laser curtain to ensure safe operation during deployment.

Steve Woodward, the Senior Design and Planning Manager at Lend Lease said, "Thanks for your company's efforts delivering the installation, car park is in full use now."

The 5m wide 1.3m high bespoke flood barrier and integral sensor system demonstrates how Flood Control International uses engineering knowledge and design to provide bespoke solutions to flood control.

For more information go to Drop-Down Flood Control Barriers.
